1. Introduction

Microsite solution for iKnowBase, developed as an iKnowBase JavaSDK plugin.

The solution is a simple, user-friendly tool for building simple web pages, ie microsites. It is intended for end users. The solution contains logic for creating and displaying microsites with given URLs and components like banners, quotes and articles. A user with technical skills can add more logic to a microsite using HTML and JavaScript.

2. Concept

The concept behind iKnowBase Microsites is that pages and content are defined as iKnowBase documents, with templates which controls the layout. When a user creates a page, a page document is created. Page content is saved as subdocuments or document links.

3. Metadata

There is only one document type in use: MICROSITE.

A microsite is stored as an iKnowBase document with subdocuments, all with the MICROSITE document type. The mother document represents the microsite and contains microsite specific settings. A microsite consists of a set of components (e.g. banner, quote, html component). Some components may contain elements (e.g. the article component contains articles).

The solution uses standard iKnowBase metadata in addition to custom microsite metadata. The plugin contains scripts which may create and update metadata upon plugin startup. See configuration for more details.

4. User interface

The iKnowBase Microsite solution consists of an admin page, available at /<context-root>), for administration of the microsite pages, and the microsite pages which are rendered using a predefined template and the microsite content. Authorized users may run a microsite page in edit mode, which allows him to modify the configuration and content of the page. The microsite pages are available at /<context-root>/<microsite-url>.

Access to the iKnowBase Microsite requires iKnowBase Microsite ACL membership.

5. Installation and configuration

See the iKnowBase Installation Guide for instructions for Java Plugin installation.

The iKnowBase Microsite plugin requires a set of metadata, which automatically gets installed upon startup of the plugin. You may disable this behaviour, see the configuration table below.

You must disable Spring Boot’s default flyway integration in order to automatically install metadata.

The following configuration options are available for iKnowBase Microsite:

Property Description


Set this to false to disable Spring Boot’s default flyway integration. We’re handling this our selves and per plugin.


Custom context root. Default value /microsite.


External key for the ACL to be used to control access to administration of the microsites. Default value MICROSITE_ADMIN_ACL.


Comma separated list of external keys for ACLs which should be available for use in the microsites. No default value supplied, ie all ACLs will be available for use.


Comma separated list of external keys for organization dimensions which should be available for use in the microsites. No default value supplied, ie all organization dimensions will be available for use.


Execute database migration (metadata) upon startup. Default value true.


Execute repair for failed database migrations (metadata). Default value false.


Name of database table to be used for database migrations (metadata). Default value MICROSITE_FLYWAY.


The version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. Default value 1.

For the end user/developer: The JavaScript namespace ikb$microsite is reserved by the plugin.